Please take a few minutes to go through this short funding assessment.

It will help us determine exactly if and how we can help you.

We have helped organizations find and secure 5.8 million dollars since inception!!


Checkout our 270 communities all across United States and South America 

Covid Outreach

With this program we partner with innovative companies to give people an opportunity to be secure through these moments of uncertainity.

For Kids

Mentoring, training and creating the next great financial leaders through games, outings, workshops!

Underserved Fundraising

Funding great organizations that change our communities!

CEO Reconnect

Outings with top CEOs to reconnect with causes that matter to them in our communities!

My Company Cares

Seminars and workshops on corporate responsibility. Education for companies on how to increase their social impact score!

Cause Drivin & Marketing

 3 great cities in Q1 of 2020. 2 day- conferences on advanced fundraising for causes that change our communities! 

My Icon Cares

Events with top ICONS across the country connecting with causes that they care about in our communities!

My Government Official Cares

Events with top government officials with causes that they care about in our communities!

Disaster Assistance

Financial assistance and volunteering to rebuild these communities after a devastating natural disaster. Hurricanes, Tornado's, Fires, Tropical Storms are all tragic events that effect our communities!

Veteran Support

We help Veterans on their journey! We help of Money for their Mission with verteran specific competitions and starting organization that will serve our communities. 

My Superstar Cares

Events with top professional athletes across the country connecting with causes that they care about in our communities!

Victim Relief

Financial support and comfort to victims in our communities of mass shootings, violence or brutality of any kind. These events can happen to any of us on any day, so we want to show victims we support them and their families!


17 cities over the next 10 months. Teaching a 2-day comprehensive grant foundation course. 

Prison Outreach

In this program we partner with innovative companies to give inmates an opportunity to be productive while incarcerated. Then a fair second chance once they get out. This makes our communities stronger. 

Cause Centers

We partner with apartment complex owners, strip malls, co-working spaces to utilize their space when uninhabited. Our partner organizations find ways to serve their residents, tenants or clients to improve the communities. 

Healthcare Support

As our communities get older we want to make sure they have the valid healthcare they need. We partner with healthcare professionals on seminars and workshops to ensure that our communities are getting taken care of. 

Grant Source Live

Facebook and Youtube show showcasing impactful non-profits and the work that they are doing in the community! We also showcase Grant Sources that are giving toward certain initiatives!


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